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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2010


trash /tr{S/ noun [U] 1 INFORMAL something that is worthless and of low quality: I can't believe that someone of his intelligence can read such trash! There's only trash on the television tonight.   2 US FOR rubbish: The trash really stinks - why don't you take it out?   trash /tr{S/ group noun [U] US INFORMAL an insulting way of referring to a group of people you consider worthless: We don't have anything to do with the people in the apartment below us - they're trash. talk trash 1 INFORMAL to say things that do not have a lot of meaning: There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day. 2 US INFORMAL to criticize other people, especially unfairly or cruelly   trash /tr{S/ verb [T] INFORMAL 1 to throw away, destroy or severely damage something: I simply trash that sort of mail. The guys got angry and trashed the bar. 2 to criticize something or someone

kulonuwun :D

akhirnya setelah sekian lama hanya ada dalam wacana, hey saya bikin blog juga :D daripada terus-terusan microblogging 140 karakter dan menuh-menuhin timeline teman-teman saya dengan segala macam 'sampah' pribadi saya, saya memutuskan untuk membuat tempat sampah saya sendiri. segala macam emosi, pikiran, dan kenangan akan saya buang di sini. daur ulang sampah saya, ambil yang baik, enyahkan yang buruk :)